The two journals I selected to review for this entry were Library Journal
and School Library Monthly. I chose Library Journal because it is the most
popular journal in the industry, being produced by the American Library
Association (ALA). I chose School Library Monthly because it is completely
outside of what I intend to do as a professional. School Library Monthly is
produced by Libraries Unlimited, a division of ABC-CLIO. It is worth mentioning
that while I was able to look at a physical copy of Library Journal, I could
only look at School Library Monthly Online. I reviewed Library Journal’s online
site as well to make the best comparison between the two.
The intended audiences of the two journals are somewhat different.
Library Journal has a broad spectrum of readership, and is generally aimed at
anyone in the field of Library and Information Science. School Library Monthly,
on the other hand, is directed at school librarians and media specialists
working at a K-12 facility. School Library Monthly’s readers are a subset of
Library Journal’s readership.
Since School Library Monthly is a specialized journal, it differs in
content from Library Journal. School Library Monthly not only has articles
relevant to its readers, it also has a blog and a podcast. Perhaps the strength
of School Library Monthly is that it integrates curriculum into its format to
assist school librarians in instructing information literacy at the K-12 level.
By contrast, Library Journal is a massive one-stop-shop for professional
information. Library Journal has articles relating to every aspect of
librarianship, including special sections on management, technology, material
reviews and employment. Library journal also has a job listing board to assist
readers in their job search. Library Journal also hosts Webcasts as another
form of interaction with its readers.
Regarding the articles published by both Journals, they are both
peer-reviewed before publication. Having articles peer-reviewed is important
because it allows someone with similar background and expertise to double check
the author to ensure the accuracy of the information presented and that valid
sources were used during research.
I found both of these journals
interesting for very different reasons. I was impressed by School Library
Monthly’s drive to incorporate curriculum into their journal, and how they
encouraged partnerships with teachers for instruction in the classroom, their common
goal being to promote information literacy. There were many articles on current
trends in both the teaching and library professions, and how they can assist
one another with their goals. Library Journal, on the other hand, was very
engaging because there was something for everyone. I first got sucked in by the
Library Journal app for iPad that brings the journal to you electronically.
After downloading that, I found myself reading article after article, ranging
from future trends in digital preservation to a humorous column written by the
AnnoyedLibrarian, discussing busybodies at the library who meddle where they
shouldn’t be. I really appreciated the depth of engagement Library Journal had
with its readers, and the multiple methods it used to accomplish that.
Overall, these two journals demonstrated to me again how diverse the field
of LIS is. Even though there are millions of specialties underneath the LIS
umbrella, each specialty can learn from another to further the goals of both.
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